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This website is owned, managed and maintained by Banning (Nanjing) Sensing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Banning Sensor). Please read the following terms carefully before using this website. By using this website, you are aware of and accept these terms (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms of Use"). If you do not accept the terms and conditions, please stop checking any pages on this site or the site immediately.

1. Website usage rules
Subject to these Terms of Use, Banning Sensors grants the User a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, and non-commercial use for personal use only. In any case, the content and services of this website (including but not limited to identity information such as user names obtained by users) are only licensed for personal use by the user and may not be sold or transferred. Banning Sensing reserves all rights not specifically granted in these Terms of Use.
Users must follow the following principles in the use of this website:
1) Comply with all applicable laws and regulations;

2) Comply with these Terms of Use and all related agreements, rules and procedures, as well as Internet-related procedures and practices;

3) Do not use this website to engage in illegal and criminal activities, including splitting the country, inciting others to commit crimes, infringing computer security systems, interfering with or disrupting network services and other acts that endanger national security or harm the public interest;

4) You may not use this website to conduct any behavior that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet;

5) It is not allowed to infringe on the intellectual property rights, reputation rights or any other legal rights of patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc. of Banning Sensing or Banning Sensing Affiliates or any other third parties, or engage in damages to Banning’s sensing interests or Banning senses behavior that adversely affects.

6) The User shall not engage in the following acts for any purpose, except that other provisions of these Terms of Use have been complied with or prior permission from Banning Sensing has been obtained:
- download, copy, display, distribute, distribute, upload, publish and distribute the contents of this website;

- modify, edit or otherwise interpret the content of this website;

- Transfer, resell, or rent the content or services of this website.

7) The user violates any of the above provisions when using this website. Banning Sensing may, at its sole discretion, require the user to correct or take all necessary measures (including but not limited to deleting the user-uploaded content, suspending or terminating the user's right to use the website) To mitigate the impact of user misconduct.

2. Banning Sensing Intellectual Property
1) The trademark, trade name, logo, pattern, Banning sensor product model and name, the name of the website, the domain name or its derivative (hereinafter referred to as “Banning”) owned by Banning Sensors or Banning Sensing Enterprises. The sensor logo ") does not have any rights. Neither of these rights or benefits is granted to the user under these Terms of Use. Users may not use the Banning Sensing logo in any promotional or promotional materials, publications or media without the prior written consent of Banning Sensing.

2) The contents of any information, texts, graphics, etc. contained in this website are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws and/or other intellectual property laws, etc., and their related rights belong to Banning Sensing or Banning Sensing. The business or the content provider is owned. Users may not copy, distribute, transmit, modify, edit, or publish or play such content directly or indirectly in any media without the prior consent of Banning Sensing or the rights holder, or use the content for any commercial purpose.
3) On the premise of Banning Sensing or the prior consent of the relevant right holder, the user may copy or distribute the content of the website on the basis of Banning Sensing or the instructions of the relevant right holder, but the user must ensure that the copying and distribution is Complete and true, including but not limited to all electronic documents, copyrights and trademark declarations, including the Terms of Use itself.

4) Users may not add any links to this website or any webpage on the website without any written consent from Banning Sensing, nor may they establish any information contained in this website on any other server or Internet-based device. Or "structure" or "mirror" of third-party content.

3. Special regulations regarding software downloads
1) The copyright and related rights of any software and related documentation ("Software") that can be downloaded from this website are owned by Banning Sensors or Banning Sensing affiliates or other software providers. Users are expected to comply with the provisions of Section 2 of these Terms of Use.

2) Software downloads may only be used for personal use by the user, and the use of the software shall be governed by the End User License Agreement (if any, hereinafter referred to as the "License Agreement") included with or included in the Software.
3) If the software comes with any guarantees, the provisions of the license agreement will prevail. Except as promised in the license agreement, Banning Sensors makes no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to accuracy, reliability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, and does not cover any installation. Responsibility for data loss or other loss caused by using the software.

4. External link
Website content may contain links to other websites. Please note that these external links are provided only to the convenience of the user, and do not imply that Banning is operating or participating in the operation of these websites, nor does it mean that users are granted permission to access or use such websites. Users should take their own responsibility (including However, not limited to comply with the terms of use of these websites) and fees to access these websites, Banning sensing is not responsible for the content and behavior of these websites.

5. Limitation of Liability
1) Banning Sensing cannot guarantee that the service provided to the user is continuous, immediate and accurate. It cannot guarantee that the defect will be corrected in time, nor can it guarantee that the service or server provided is free from harmful components such as viruses or hackers. Invasion. The services and content of the website are provided on an as-is basis. Banning Sensing does not make any form of guarantee regarding the accuracy, completeness, satisfactory quality, non-infringement or suitability of a particular service.
2) Banning Sensing reserves the right to modify, add, subtract, cancel, suspend, suspend or terminate the services (in whole or in part) of the Website at any time without prior notice to the User. No liability is assumed to the user.3) Banning Sensing will provide accurate information on this website as much as possible. The product images and physical objects involved in this website may be slightly different. The effect demonstration diagrams and schematic diagrams are for reference only (pictures are composite maps, simulation diagrams), and the appearance of Banning sensing products (including but not limited to color) The actual product shall prevail. Due to space limitations, the information contained in this website (including but not limited to product specifications, function descriptions, etc.) may be incomplete. Please refer to the specific information in the product manual for use. Product prices, specifications, models, and availability are subject to change without notice.
4) Banning Sensing reserves the right to change the design, specifications, processes and materials of the Banning Sensing products involved in the content of the website at any time without prior notice to the user.
5) If the server of this website needs to suspend the service due to system maintenance or upgrade, it will try to announce it in advance. If you need to suspend the service due to system maintenance or upgrade, or stop the service due to server failure, hardware failure, or other force majeure factors, all the inconveniences caused by the suspension of service and loss of data and data will be saved. This website will try its best to save the recovery; Unable to recover, this website does not assume any responsibility.
6) Banning Sensing does not assume any responsibility that may arise from the user's provision of information, including but not limited to the use of user-provided information by other users without authorization, or because the information provided by the user contains errors, inaccuracies, viruses Any liability arising from copyright law, privacy law or any other content or other content prohibited by law, such as libel, libel, infringement. Banning Sensing does not assume any responsibility for the loss, deletion, removal or transmission failure of the information provided by the user, and the user should keep the backup of the information provided by the user. Banning Sensor reserves the right to remove or remove any user-provided information at any time without notice to the user and without any liability.
7) Banning Sensing does not assume any responsibility for any legal actions taken by users with third parties through this website or external links, including but not limited to transactions with third parties, which are the sole responsibility of the user and the third party.
8) The User hereby acknowledges and accepts that any direct or indirect damages suffered by the User in connection with the use of the Website, including but not limited to any damages, liabilities arising from delays, inaccuracies, errors and omissions of the Website Content or Services, Requests, losses or expenses, Banning Sensing and Banning Sensing affiliates do not assume any responsibility.

6. Compensation
Any type of cause, claim, claim, expense, expense, loss, litigation, government investigation that is caused by a user's violation of the terms of use of this website for a Banning Sensing or Banning Sensing affiliate. And/or penalties, damages and liabilities, the user should compensate Banning Sensing or Banning Sensing Affiliates (including but not limited to direct or indirect losses, lawyers and consultant fees, etc.) and the user should be Banning Sense of defense, protect Banning sensing from damage.

7. Modification of these Terms of Use
Banning Sensing reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use as necessary without prior notice to the User. In the event of a change, Banning Sensing will be updated on this website as soon as possible. If the user does not agree with the modified content, he or she may voluntarily stop using the website. If the user continues to use the Site, it is deemed to accept the revised Terms of Use.    

8. Other agreements or terms
When using the services of this website, users may need to comply with other agreements or terms, including but not limited to the registration terms of the members, the software license agreement, and the terms of sale of the Banning Sensing Products. All applicable terms, such as the license agreement for the download of the document. The user may use the relevant service only if he or she fully agrees to the terms.    

9. Notice
For changes to the Terms of Use or other important matters, Banning Sensor may, at its option, notify the User via a website announcement, email or other means.

10. Applicable law and dispute resolution
The interpretation and enforcement of the terms of use of this website are subject to the laws of the People's Republic of China. These Terms of Use and any additional terms posted on this Site constitute the entire agreement between Banning Sensors and the User regarding the use of the Site. If the content of the agreement is inconsistent with the applicable mandatory legal provisions, the mandatory legal provisions shall prevail. Any dispute arising from the performance of the agreement shall first be settled through negotiation between the two parties; if the negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction in Nanjing.

11. Other
The headings of these Terms of Use are for reference only and are not intended to be a basis for interpreting the terms.

12, the right to interpret
The right to interpret these Terms of Use and the right to interpret this website are the property of Banning.

Contact: 025-58295589

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